Frequently Asked Questions


What are resources?

We can all cultivate internal and external resources that we can draw upon when we feel stressed or triggered in a trauma response. Resources restore a sense of safety, inner calm, and choice about what to feel or do.

Internal resources are your self-care practices that create a change in how you are feeling or responding to your environment. Tools of body and mind include deep breathing, grounding, visualization, physical exercise, mindfulness, and yoga. You can think of this as creating calm from the inside out.

External resources are the tools that you can call upon from your community and environment. These come in the form of friends you can trust, a therapist, and cultivating a calm and predictable external environment. You can think of this as creating calm from the outside in.

What is stabilization?

Stabilization is the process of learning skills which will help you gain internal as well as external stability and control so that you will be able to cope with distress more easily and safely by achieving mental, emotional and psychological balance and stability. During the stabilization phase, you will learn techniques for relaxation, grounding exercises and emotional regulation techniques in order to help with distancing and stress-management. This preliminary phase gives you an opportunity to improve your affect regulation and coping skills in order to be more successful in facing and overcoming traumatic memories during therapy.

Why are some people traumatized when others are not?

People are different and what seems like the same experience can be very different for different people. We know there are some biological factors that put people at a higher risk of PTSD. In addition, people who avoid thinking about the trauma or talking about the trauma and those who avoid people, places, and things associated with the trauma are at a higher risk of experiencing PTSD over time. Finally, we know that how people view themselves and their trauma can affect their risk of experiencing PTSD.

How long will the therapy last?

Counseling of any kind is extremely individual. Every clients’ treatment plan is unique to their goals and needs. With trauma counseling you can expect to be in weekly counseling sessions for about 4-6 weeks. This time is often used to build skills and learn about how trauma is affecting your life. Typically, around the 4-6 week mark, we will discuss your progress and how you are coping in everyday life situations. At this time, you can decide if you would like to reduce the frequency of sessions to every other week. By no means is any counseling a quick process.

How long is one session?

I offer 60 minute counseling sessions. Hypnosis sessions typically take 2 hours.

How much does a session cost?

I charge a fee of 120 Euro per counseling session and 150 Euro for a Hypnosis session. However, if you choose to book 10 appointments in advance, you will receive one session free of charge. The initial consultation is 60 Euro.

Are your services covered by insurance?

As a Naturopath, my services are not covered by the German statutory health insurance. Before treatment, please check whether your supplementary or private health insurance will cover the costs.

What is your cancellation policy?

I require a minimum 24 hours’ notice and as much as possible, if you need to cancel a session. Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice or no-shows will incur the full fee.

What is your confidentiality policy?

All your information and details of sessions are confidential. In order to provide high-quality therapy, I discuss clients in supervision ( excluding any identifying information) and the supervisor abides by the same rules of confidentiality.

Do you work with other issues besides trauma?

Yes! I am here to help you with issues related to living life. Whether is is the relationship with yourself or how you are coping, I am interested in helping you get clarity on how you are taking care of yourself. If you are using unhealthy coping mechanisms, or suffering from anxiety, low self-esteem, depression or grief, I understand and can give you tools and skills to work your way out of these feelings. My goal is to help you feel better about whatever it is that you are dealing with.

What techniques do you employ during therapy?

I am a certified Naturopath for Trauma Therapy with training in:

Resource-Oriented Trauma Therapy
PITT (Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy)
EFT (Self-tapping techniques)
IFS (Internal Family Systems)

For more information on these modalities, please feel free to consult the counseling services tabs at the top of my homepage.

Will I have to go back and relive the events of my past?

As with any counseling, you do not have to do anything! Counseling is client-led, which means you are in charge of setting the pace and what you are comfortable discussing. My only goal is to help you feel better. Some people like talking about the past, others do not. You have choices, and I will work with you in the ways that feel best for you. It will not help you get better faster if you experience negative things in an unstructured way. Our focus will be on gently cleaning out old wounds in order to create the healing you need to move forward.

I have tried therapy before, how is this different?

There are lots of different types of therapy available, however, to release trauma, special modalities are needed. Trauma therapy is specially designed to include the body as well as the mind, so not only can you talk about what is going on, I will also attend to your breathing, heart rate and teach you self-soothing techniques which are especially designed to help you if you should become triggered or overwhelmed. For a more in-depth explanation of these modalities, please see the counseling services tabs at the top of my home page.

What if I have more questions?

Please feel free to call or email me with any other questions you may have.

How do I get started?

Call me at 0172 418 2141 or fill out the form on the Contact Tab, whichever helps you feel more comfortable. Once you call, we can discuss your needs, answer any questions you may still have and determine when you would like to schedule an appointment. It is an easy process. Once you come in, we will have a conversation, assess your needs and determine which services will be most helpful to you. After that, we will put a treatment plan together and begin to work on the issues that are holding you back.